Career Readiness Resources at Lehman

Welcome to Lehman Career Kit, a dedicated website designed for faculty members and their students. This platform serves as a valuable resource hub aimed at fostering career readiness. Within this site, you will find a wealth of information and direct links to various resources tailored to enhance students’ preparedness for the job market. These resources encompass internship programs, certificate courses designed to give students a competitive edge in the job search process, specialized trainings offered by employers, mentorship initiatives, and a wide array of supplementary career-supporting materials. To facilitate ease of access, resources pertaining to specific aspects of career readiness are organized under separate tabs. We strongly encourage faculty members to explore these resources, integrate them into their curriculum, and guide their students to the relevant areas of the website.  


We would also like to encourage faculty and students to check out the Lehman Career Exploration & Development Center where expert career advisors advise and connect students to career and post-graduate opportunities.     


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